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Longlonglovesong 192647

 Bright are the stars that shine Dark is the sky I know this love of mine Will never die And I love her Perhaps it's the dreamy nature of the ballad, the slow easiness of it, or the surprising comfort the word "And" brings to the lyric "And I love her" but there's something undeniably sweet about this popular Beatles' song With the new season comes new music from Kirk Franklin Back in winter he released "Love Theory," and on he'll drop a new album titled Long Live Love, in which the popular Long Distance Love Poems; 麻枝准 熊木杏里 Long Long Love Song 初回生産限定盤 Cd Dvd 美品 の落札情報詳細 ヤフオク落札価格情報 オークフリー スマートフォン版 Longlonglovesong